Mag. Claudia Michiels van Kessenich

French Baccalauréat; Bachelors of economics at the Wirtschaftsuniversität in Vienna.
Marketing Communication, Data General, Vienna and Paris.
Financial Administration, Office Management for PC-Slide BV in Amsterdam.
Independant consultant in Villach, Austria with main focus on Marketing / Communication / Computer Graphics.

Roderik Michiels van Kessenich

French Baccalauréat; B.Sc. Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada.
Entrepreneur and software designer in the computer graphics sector in Toronto, Canada.
Founder and President of PC-Slide BV in Amsterdam, a company specialized in the creation of multimedia presentations and sale of high end equipment to the graphics market. Sold company in 1999, moved to Austria.
In Villach specialized in photography, website design and computer graphics.